Thursday, July 22, 2010


Contrary to everyday existence, the evening was one of those when I again got smitten thru my bones by a seraphic apparition resembling a woman’s whose booming laughter sent eclectic tremors through the foundations of my imagination…beautiful, wheatish, simple…the fact that our roving eyes met not once, not a meagre twice but three whole times only lent a luminous hue to an otherwise cloudy evening…but alas! I couldn’t go up to her or even smile back and that is the reason I sit here and record another small, sweet and unsuccessful glimpse into a magical world of smiles, bob-cuts and an eloquent nose…ah! The nose…the olfactory organ that stood out like a beacon of subliminal poise whilst eyes roved about and around to meet and lock and kiss…but the kiss that strangers share can be and often is what transcends into the musty ruins of memory or the freshly printed pages of books written for an audience who have had no first hand knowledge of the experience itself…Coming back, standing by the counter with a head dying to jut slightly around the pillar that blocked my view, I realised that I was already being looked-back at, for the pillar was no pillar because the waiter who was standing there had ceased to stand. And how do I know this? Because I looked straight at her. Her face was impassive. If her lip quivered under the weight of my gaze, my eyes were too fondly locked into hers to have noticed.
I withdrew. Broke the lock and turned my face away. Her expressionless face looking me straight into the eye still floated in my head. To make sure that the image that had frozen in my mind was accurate enough for long term perspective, I turned and looked back.
O! Hungry flames that battle to burn each other to smithereens…
O! Nature’s immovable objects that are struck by nature’s irresistible forces to bring about ultimate cataclysms…
O! Avalanches of a thousand peaks that tumble down in eternal fury into the lap of their own tumultuous fall…
It was the second time. Impassive face meets exploring eyes. Bob-cut hair stood still whilst tall, lanky guy looked on. A pendent, the shape of a solitary, white sea shell hung about her throat. And it shuddered as she swallowed. The eloquent nose still held its poise whilst the eyes played a deadly duel. Had there been a smile, or a semblance of positive societal gesture, the moment would have faded into the crass banality of the Age; into the second-handed wallpapers and coffee mugs of the place. But it didn’t.
Walking now, across her table to the exit, I decided to, or rather impulsively looked back. All I could catch was the sight of her head turning towards me. Our eyes met once again but that was in the midst of our heads turning towards and away from each other. I looked away and walked out the gates…


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